El Geneina is besieged and its situation is tragic.. Sudanese doctors warn

With the continuation of the clashes for the second month in a row between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, the situation has deteriorated dramatically in Darfur regionwestern Sudan.
The Sudan Doctors Syndicate warned in a new statement, today, Wednesday, that the situation in El Geneina city Darfur has become “catastrophic and the worst ever.”
Children and women
She also indicated that Fighting in El Geneina It led to a large number of casualties. “A large number of victims, including children, women and the elderly, fell as a result of the fighting in El Geneina,” she said.
However, she pointed out that it was not possible to fully count the victims, as all the victims were stopped City hospitals about job. She confirmed that El Geneina has become besieged, with communications cut off.
In addition, the Syndicate reported that the number of civilians killed since the beginning of the fighting in the country has risen to 958, and 4,746 wounded, with the exception of those killed in El Geneina. She explained that there are many injuries and deaths that are not included in this inventory due to the inability to reach hospitals, due to the difficulty of movement and the security situation in the country.
From a hospital in Darfur (AFP)
Since the start of the conflict between the two military forces in mid-April, fears have escalated of the situation in Darfur escalating, especially since the region has witnessed intermittent tribal clashes over the past years.
Painful memories
The vast region of Darfur, which is inhabited by several Arab and African tribes, and is famous for agriculture, and its area is approximately equivalent to France, is full of painful memories of the devastating civil war that lasted for years, leaving thousands of dead, as well as major massacres between the tribes, two decades ago.
The conflict broke out in 2003 when a group of rebels stood up to government forces backed by the Janjaweed militia, which were famous at the time for riding horses, and the violence killed about 300,000 people and displaced millions. Despite the many peace agreements, tension has continued since that time, like embers under the ashes, waiting for a spark to awaken it.
Violence has indeed escalated intermittently over the past two years before it calmed down relatively, only to flare up again following the conflict that erupted between the army and the Rapid Support Forces a few weeks ago.
This infighting, which erupted between the two sides in mid-April, fueled fears that this region would slip again into civil and tribal war.