
Libya.. Haftar calls for the formation of a government of technocrats to run the elections

The Libyan army called on political leaders to form a unified government of technocrats that would manage and organize elections, and support The legal framework approved by the 6+6 committee In order to end the state of political division in the country.

The General Command of the Libyan Army said, in a statement on Friday, that the election law, which was approved by the 6 + 6 joint committee between Parliament and the Supreme Council of State last week in the Moroccan city of Bouznika, is “the first important step that paves the way for holding presidential and parliamentary elections.”

And she affirmed her support for all sincere political solutions to end the political crisis in Libya, without oppression, exclusion or confiscation of the rights of any party, so that the electoral laws achieve the greatest possible agreement to hold the elections on time and ensure the implementation of their results.

Military statement

Military statement

The General Command asked Parliament and the High Council of State to expedite the end of the state of political division and the formation of a new unified government of technocrats that would oversee the organization of elections throughout the country.

And last Tuesday, the 6 + 6 committee approved the law for electing the president and parliament and the conditions for running for president, which have always been in dispute, and agreed to allow dual nationals to run in the presidential race in the first round, provided that the candidate submits proof of renouncing his foreign nationality to enter the second round.

With regard to the candidacy of the military, the law states that the candidate is considered to have resigned from his position “by the force of law, after accepting his candidacy, whether it was civilian or military, and it is also required that the candidate not be finally convicted of a felony.”

However, the fate of this agreement is still ambiguous and has not been widely agreed upon, after several political parties expressed reservations about some laws and demanded that they be reviewed and amended, similar to Parliament Speaker Aqila Saleh, who considered that the election law includes points aimed at “thwarting the electoral process.” While the head of the State Council, Khaled Al-Mashri, called for more understanding on some points, and the Electoral Commission called for amending some texts that cannot be implemented on the ground and pose a threat to the electoral process.

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