
Macron and Mohammed bin Salman affirmed the continuation of work to reduce tensions in the region

The French Presidency reported, on Friday evening, that French President Emmanuel Macron and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud affirmed the continuation of work to reduce tensions in the region. Macron also affirmed France’s commitment to Saudi Arabia’s security and readiness to strengthen its defense capabilities.

The French presidency added that Macron and the Saudi crown prince welcomed the strengthening of economic relations between the two countries, and stressed the need to end the political vacuum in Lebanon, as well as adhere to the security of the Near and Middle East.

The text of the French presidential statement reads as follows:

The President of the Republic received, for a working lunch, His Royal Highness, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, in Paris, on June 16, 2023.

The President of the Republic and the Crown Prince first of all welcomed the bilateral dynamic between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and France, and the President of the Republic thanked the Crown Prince for his upcoming participation in the summit for a new global financial pact on June 22-23. He pointed to the urgent need to combat climate change, and the importance of this summit in building bridges between countries on different continents, especially with regard to issues of combating poverty, financing the energy transition, and the ability to face the consequences of climate change. He stressed the driving and pioneering role that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can play in this regard.

Then the President of the Republic expressed his deep concern about the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and its disastrous impact on the civilian population and its repercussions on food security. The President of the Republic stressed the need to find a way out of the conflict and intensify cooperation to mitigate its effects in Europe, the Middle East and the world.

The President of the Republic and the Crown Prince also indicated their joint adherence to security and stability in the Near and Middle East, and expressed their desire to continue their joint efforts in order to permanently reduce tensions. They pointed to the need to quickly end the institutional political vacuum in Lebanon, which remains the main obstacle to resolving the severe social and economic crisis, and the two sides agreed to continue developing and deepening the partnership between the two countries. The President of the Republic recalled France’s commitment to the security and stability of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and its readiness to support the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in strengthening its defense capabilities. The President of the Republic and the Crown Prince welcomed the significant strengthening of economic relations between France and the Kingdom, and the President of the Republic recalled the desire of French companies to continue supporting Saudi Arabia in implementing its ambitious Vision 2030, and stressed the recognized expertise of French companies, especially in the fields of energy, transportation, health, and new technologies. The President of the Republic also welcomed the desire of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to increase its investments in the French industrial and productive fabric.

Finally, the President of the Republic and the Crown Prince expressed their happiness with the extent of their cultural cooperation, especially on the Al-Ula site, in the fields of culture, research, tourism and economy.

The President of the Republic also referred to France’s adherence to universal values.

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