The Libyan State Council announces its candidate to succeed Al-Dabaiba

The Supreme Council of State in Libya announced, on Sunday evening, the candidacy of Eng. Mohamed Al-Mazoghi, to head a mini-government to administer elections in the country, to succeed the head of the national unity government, Abdel Hamid al-Dabaiba.
Secret meeting
The State Council’s decision came in conjunction with an unannounced meeting between the head of the Supreme Council of State, Khaled al-Mashri, and al-Dabaiba, in the presence of military and political leaders, after months of estrangement, and in a step to resolve differences and find a consensual formula for the next stage.
Crisis government
In addition, the Information Office of the State Council said, in a statement on Sunday evening, that a number of its members met with “the candidate for prime minister, Muhammad al-Mazoghi,” in the framework of “consultation and communication regarding the formation of a crisis government or a mini-government.”
He added that the meeting, which was held at the Council’s office in Tripoli, focused on the future vision of the candidate, through his answers to some of the members’ questions about his government program, noting that the meeting comes within “the desire of all parties to form a single government that extends its control and influence over the entire territory of the country to prepare the climate and conditions.” suitable for holding elections that are acceptable to all.
Part of the State Council meeting
united government
This decision comes in implementation of the results of the consultations of the 6 + 6 joint committee that took place in the Moroccan city of Bouznika, which called for the formation of a unified government that would prepare and unify the country for holding elections.
Bear’s reaction
It is not easy to predict the reaction and position of the head of the national unity government, Abdul Hamid al-Dabaiba, who welcomed the committee’s outputs and who, in return, adheres to his government’s supervision of the elections, and whether he will agree to give up his position in exchange for running for the presidency.
Until now, the political parties have not adopted the agreement of the 6 + 6 committee on the law for electing the president and parliament and the conditions for candidacy for the presidency, which have always been a matter of dispute, about two weeks after its approval, and demanded the amendment of a number of laws.