
Zelensky mocks Putin: Prepare your citizens to lose!

With the continuation of battles and fighting on various fronts in Ukraine against the Russian forces, promise Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyto liberate all the lands of his country.

He stressed that the Ukrainian forces are progressing step by step towards liberating the territories.

He also considered, in a video broadcast late Sunday night from Kiev, that Russia will not only fail to seize more Ukrainian lands, but will also lose what it occupies now, and it must prepare its citizens for that.

Make fun of Putin

In addition, Zelensky made fun of Russian President Vladimir Putinwho claimed in St. Petersburg, last Friday, that Russian forces had destroyed five American Patriot air defense systems in Kiev, stressing that all systems were intact.

He said, “No Patriot units were destroyed, but 36 Russian missiles were destroyed during the past seven days alone.”

Ukrainian forces (AFP)

Ukrainian forces (AFP)

The Ukrainian president reiterated that his country expects to receive more military aid from its allies in the next few days.

More than a week ago, the Ukrainians launched a counterattack that was scheduled for the spring before it was postponed, in order to regain the lands that the Russians had controlled since the invasion in February of last year (2022).

However, the Ukrainian forces have not yet achieved significant progress, with the exception of some violations, according to some foreign intelligence allied to Kiev.

The battles are expected to continue for months, with both sides likely to suffer heavy losses.

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