
Contact is lost with a famous billionaire at a depth of 3,800 meters under the Atlantic

Communication has been lost for some reason since Sunday with a small tourist submarine. Those inside were on an exploration trip to the wreckage of the sunken Titanic in the Atlantic Ocean. They are the captain of the submarine and 4 tourists, including a billionaire and a British explorer who has been living in Dubai for many years. He is Hamish Harding, 59, and president The board of directors of business jet and helicopter sales Action Aviation, according to British media, reported that the submarine had only 96 hours of oxygen.

OceanGate Expeditions, which organized the trip for $250,000, quickly assigned a rescue team to race against time for the submarine and “return its occupants to safety,” according to a company spokesperson. All of its members in the submarine and their families,” according to his testimony, in which he added that the submarine’s last contact with the base was at 3 pm yesterday, Sunday, GMT, and it was at that time directly above the wreckage of the “Titanic”.

Followed by a spokesman for the Coast Guard in the American city of Boston, by saying in a media statement: “The disappearance of a small submarine with 5 people on board near the wreck of the Titanic.” But none of the speakers mentioned the date of the oxygen depletion, which is likely to be next Thursday at the most, according to what “Al-Arabiya” concluded. Net” from several reports I saw on British news sites about OceanGate’s Titan submarine, which was stranded near the “Titanic” sunken at a depth of 3,800 meters at the bottom of the Atlantic.

As for the billionaire “Harding”, an experienced explorer, he is known to have set a record last year by being one of the first crew to dive to the “bottom of the world” and fly into space as part of Blue Origin’s NS21 mission with seats on board, each costing Million dollars”. He was one of two who took a 12-hour deep dive into Challenger Deep two years ago, diving to depths of more than 36,000 feet.

And the billionaire Harding wrote, last week, in his accounts on the communication sites, that he was joining the voyage as a “mission specialist (..) and due to the worst winter in “Newfoundland” in 40 years, this mission is likely to be the first and only manned in 2023 to the Titanic Then optimism that there is a chance with the weather to dive at 4 am Sunday. However, the winds were not as desired by the submarine, and things were complicated by a malfunction under the ocean waters.

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