
Secret details that you did not know before.. This is what iPhone applications hide

Discover users iPhone phones Recently, some of the surprises that Apple hid inside their application icons, especially since the technology giant is known for its complex design choices, delighted customers after revealing some clever illustrations and features hidden in plain sight.

Many of the “secret” icon features have appeared on the clock, navigation, flashlight, podcast and calendar applications, according to a report by the Daily Mail.

There are 7 secret details of the iPhone’s design, according to Gadget Hacks.

And not many were aware that the clock icon on their smartphone was actually a working analog clock designed to reflect your primary time zone.

The ‘seconds’ hand on the clock is also constantly moving, simulating the passage of time.

On a similar note, the Apple Calendar icon is also an active calendar and will display the correct date on its face.

Previously, the app always indicated that July 17 was the day Apple introduced iCal for laptops and desktop models in 2002.

Apple Maps

The Apple Maps icon also has an interesting history with the original app depicting 1 Infinite Loop, the location of longtime Apple headquarters in San Jose.

Apple Maps

Apple Maps

But with the move to the new corporate headquarters widely known as Apple Park in 2017, the Maps icon was updated to depict a piece of a spaceship instead.

Fans also discovered another hidden detail in the flashlight icon, where the flashlight switch is toggled to “on” or “off” depending on when the feature is used and the illustration also turns blue when the light is turned on.



But while Apple may not have invented podcasts, the word is a clever combination of “iPod” and “podcasting” and the app was designed to reflect that.

And the Apple Podcasts app has a lowercase i with two halos depicted around it. The letter “i” is a tribute to the iPod, and could also be interpreted as a microphone.

Voice Note

Voice Note

Voice memo

In parallel, there is another clever graphic on the interface of Voice Memos. The sound wave is supposed to be the same wave a person would get if they recorded the word “apple” as an audio note.

Some speculators even hypothesized that the specific waveform comes from Steve Jobs saying “Apple” in honor of his memory.

Finally, Apple has an app called TestFlight that allows third-party app developers to beta test their technology.

The logo was previously a three-bladed propeller, but the new update has seen it transform into an illustration of a marine propulsion scheme.

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