
We received a treacherous blow from the Russian army..and we will take revenge

In what resembles a declaration of rebellion against the Russian army, the “Wagner” commander accused Friday the Russian army By bombing camps of his forces in Ukraine, killing a “massive” number of members of his group, vowing revenge.

Shoigu gave the order.

In a tone full of anger, Yevgeny Prigozhin said in an audio message released by his office, “They launched strikes, missile strikes, on our rear camps. A huge number of our fighters were killed,” vowing to “respond” to this bombing, which he confirmed was Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. He issued the order to carry it out.

“treacherous blow”

He also said that his forces were subjected to a treacherous blow from the Russian army, and published a video of the Russian defense bombing of its members in Ukraine, accusing the Russian Minister of Defense of issuing an order to hide 2,000 bodies of Wagner fighters in a morgue.

He added, “The leadership of the Wagner Group decided that those who bear military responsibility in the country should be stopped,” stressing that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu will be “stopped” and calling on the army not to “resist” its forces.

He pointed out that the number of his fighters “is 25,000,” calling on the Russians to join them to end the “disgrace.”

“media provocation”

While the Russian Ministry of Defense denied Prigozhin’s allegations, stressing that the Russian army did not bomb the Wagner camps.

She said that all the messages and videos published by Yevgeny Prigozhin about the alleged strike by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the rear camps of the Wagner Group do not correspond to reality and are a media provocation.

He rejects the justifications for war

Today, Friday, the Wagner leader rejected the basic Russian justifications for the military operation in Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, in a video clip published by his media office on the Telegram application.

As Yevgeny Prigozhin said, “There was nothing unusual going on on February 24th… The Ministry of Defense is trying to deceive society and the president and tell us a story about strange Ukrainian aggression and that Ukraine was planning to attack us and the entire NATO,” describing the official version as “ Beautiful story”.

Hero of Russia necklace

“There were reasons for the war… so that Shoigu would be promoted to the rank of marshal… and so that he would be awarded a hero’s medal (of Russia) again. The war was not waged to demilitarize Ukraine or de-Nazify it,” he added.

He also indicated that Russia did not wage the war to disarm Ukraine or eliminate what is described as “Nazism,” adding, “It is not true that Ukraine was planning with NATO before the war to attack Russia.”

Genocide of the Russians

Earlier today, Yevgeny Prigozhin again accused the Ministry of Defense of not providing the combat forces on the fronts with ammunition, saying, “The leaders of the Ministry of Defense believe that the lives of soldiers are very cheap compared to ammunition, and they believe that they will need missiles to defend Moscow, so all warehouses near Moscow are full.” with it.”

The Wagner leader also held the Minister of Defense responsible for the “genocide of Russian soldiers”.

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