
Wagner forces shot down a Russian military helicopter

It seems that the propaganda and psychological war has begun between Wagner’s troops and the Russian armyThe commander of the group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, who announced the uprising against the Russian military leadership, announced on Saturday night that his forces shot down a Russian military helicopter.

“Now a helicopter opened fire on a civilian convoy, and it was shot down by Wagner units,” Prigozhin said in a new audio message, without specifying the location of the incident.

Earlier, Prigozhin vowed to “go to the end” and “destroy everything in his path,” stressing that his forces had entered Russian territory.

“We’ll go to the end.”

“We are continuing and we will go to the end,” he said in an audio message on Telegram, after announcing that his forces had “crossed the borders of the Russian state” after they were deployed in Ukraine. And Prigozhin assures that he has 25 thousand fighters.

Meanwhile, the official Russian news agency “Tass” reported at dawn on Saturday that security measures had been tightened in Moscow.

Security tightened in Moscow

“Security measures have been tightened in Moscow. The most important sites are under strict security measures,” said a security official, as well as “state agencies and transport facilities.”

On Friday, the Russian authorities accused the leader of the Wagner Group of seeking to ignite a “civil war” in the country because of his call on the military to rise up against their leadership, appealing to his fighters to arrest him.

‘Call for civil war’

The Russian Federal Security Service said in a statement that “Prigozhin’s statements and actions are in fact a call to start an armed civil conflict on the territory of the Russian Federation and a stab in the back of Russian soldiers fighting pro-fascist Ukrainian forces,” calling on Wagner’s fighters to “take measures to arrest him.”

The developments came after the leader of the “Wagner” group called for an uprising against the army’s leadership, after accusing it of killing a “massive” number of its members in a bombing targeting their rear positions in Ukraine, in an accusation that Moscow denied, confirming the prosecution of Yevgeny Prigozhin on charges of “calling for armed rebellion.”

Putin is aware of the developments

As for the Kremlin, he said, through his spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, that President Vladimir Putin “was informed of all the events related to Prigozhin. The necessary measures are being taken.”

This bomb, detonated by Prigozhin’s commander in the face of the Russian military leadership, brings to the open the deep tensions of the Kremlin forces in Ukraine.

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