
The intensity of the battles is intensifying in Khartoum, Bahri and Omdurman, and the suffering of the Sudanese is increasing

Today, Monday, Sudan is witnessing a new day of escalation and fighting between the two parties to the conflict, amid international warnings of Humanitarian crises may afflict the Sudanese people.

Battles are intensifying in several neighborhoods in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, Bahri, and Omdurman, between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, where the conflict between them is in its eleventh week.

Khartoum residents suffer from water shortages due to the war in Sudan - AFP

Khartoum residents suffer from water shortages due to the war in Sudan – AFP

This and saw the last days Sharp increase in violence in Nyalathe largest city in the western Darfur region, where the United Nations sounded the alarm regarding ethnic targeting in El Geneina, West Darfur state.

The Observatory for Human Rights stated that at least 25 civilians have been killed in the city since last Tuesday. The Sudanese capital and the city of El Geneina are the most affected by the conflict, but tensions and clashes escalated last week in other parts of Darfur and in Kordofan, in the south of the country.

On the ground, and in an interview with Al-Hadath channel, Omran Abdullah Hassan, a member of the advisory office of the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, said that the Rapid Support Forces were able to control the headquarters of the Central Reserve Forces with all its mechanisms located inside the camp.

The Sudanese capital and the city of El Geneina are the most affected by the conflict that erupted on April 15 between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, but tensions and clashes escalated last week in other parts of Darfur and in Kordofan, in the south of the country.

This comes as Chadian Prime Minister Saleh Kabzabo confirmed that more than 400,000 refugees from Sudan have arrived in neighboring Chad. “The eastern regions of Chad have received more than 400,000 refugees from Sudan,” Radio RFI quoted Kabzabo as saying on Sunday.

He added that what the international community is doing in the face of the human tragedy and the suffering of the Sudanese refugees is not compatible with the assistance it is providing in other regions of the world. Because of the influx of refugees, Kipzabo said, the government of Chad is seeking large-scale technical and financial assistance from various countries and international organizations, and that this assistance should be food, medical and educational.

Of those displaced by the conflict in Sudan, about two million people have been internally displaced, and nearly 600,000 have fled to neighboring countries, the International Organization for Migration said.

Simultaneously, the Sudanese Foreign Ministry affirmed its welcome to what was stated in the statement of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the killings and violations by “Arab” militias, backed by the Rapid Support Forces, against residents fleeing the city of El Geneina, in the state of West Darfur.

The Foreign Ministry said that the statement of the UN Commission “directly condemned” the Rapid Support Forces for the “atrocities” committed in the state of West Darfur, noting that it also included testimonies from eyewitnesses who confirmed that the “Arab” militias had “targeted members of the Masalit tribe and ordered them” to leave the city. Geneina to Chad.

The Foreign Ministry called on the international community and all international organizations to “follow the same trend and condemn in the strongest terms the violations committed by the Rapid Support Militia.”

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