
Controversy over holding Rapid Support accountable for outlaws…”Get out of the houses first”

Announcement triggered Rapid Support Forces The formation of a committee and a field court – in order to hold accountable the outlaws who commit violations against citizens – a debate among the Sudanese during the past hours.

The head of the Umma Party, Mubarak al-Mahdi, considered this announcement “an insult to the minds of citizens,” as he put it.

And he said in a tweet on his Twitter account, today, Tuesday: “They must first get out of the citizens’ homes and hospitals, then they must return the gold and money that they looted from the citizens’ homes and vehicles, which amounted to more than ten thousand vehicles. And return the merchants’ goods that they looted, and it is estimated at more than two billion dollars.”

He also pointed out that “the psychological damage, rape crimes, and kidnapping of young men and businessmen do not accept anything other than retribution,” referring to the RSF being accused of committing them.

Support denies

Also, a number of Sudanese on the communication sites considered this advertisement to be a mere polishing of an image, and they re-posted some videos of armed men wearing Rapid Support uniforms, and carrying out looting and looting operations.

Members of those forces are accused of carrying out violations in the country since the start of the bloody fighting between them and the army in mid-April.

The United Nations also accused some RSF elements of carrying out liquidation operations in the city of El Geneina, Darfur

Rapid Support Forces in Khartoum (AFP)

Rapid Support Forces in Khartoum (AFP)

Note that the Rapid Support Forces, headed by Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, nicknamed “Hemedti”, has repeatedly denied committing any violations, robberies or rapes, as alleged, stressing that some gunmen wear their uniforms in order to accuse its members.

It is noteworthy that Hamidti had announced, late yesterday evening, Monday, a unilateral truce, today and tomorrow, on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, after the negotiations that began between the two sides, since last May, in Jeddah, were postponed, through US-Saudi mediation.

Since the outbreak of the conflict between the two major military forces in the country, more than two months ago, dozens of truces were announced, but all of them did not hold, and were breached in the first hours of their entry into force.

While the war caused a major humanitarian crisis that led to the displacement of more than 2.5 million people, about 600,000 of them crossed borders to neighboring countries. Most headed north to Egypt or west to Chad, where the refugees sought refuge from clashes in the capital, Khartoum, or ethnically motivated attacks in the Darfur region.

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