
It cannot be said for sure that Putin has become weak

In statements contrary to the position of his Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, US President Joe Biden considered that it was not possible to say for sure about the situation Russian President Vladimir Putin After the armed rebellion in Russia last weekend.

“It’s hard to say that Putin has become weaker because of recent events,” Biden said in remarks on Wednesday, referring to a rebellion Wagner CommanderYevgeny Yergozhin.

Wagner’s rebellion forces Putin to break his silence.. several times

He became an outcast

He also saw that the president had become a pariah around the world, but considered that it was still difficult to determine whether recent events had weakened him, according to Reuters.

And Blinken had considered earlier today, during an interview with MSNBC, that Putin’s regime is facing Big crack What shows his strategic failure.

Prigozhin and Putin

Prigozhin and Putin

He also saw what happened during the war in Ukraine as a strategic failure for Putin, to the extent that cracks began to appear internally in Russia.

He also said that the sooner Putin realizes that he will not stand up to the countries of the world that support Kiev, the sooner this war will end.

It is noteworthy that the short rebellion of the Wagner leader, which shocked the world on the night of June 24, posed a strong and unprecedented challenge to Putin’s authority, although it did not last more than 36 hours.

He prompted the Russian president to make speeches and statements more than once, the first of which was sharp and strict, but his tone softened after that, and he opened the way for the group’s fighters to leave for Belarus, or sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense and work under the command of the Russian army.

The Federal Security Service also dropped criminal prosecutions against these rebels, after describing them as traitors.

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