
Pictures .. Remains of the wreckage of “Titan” were recovered from the ocean floor to land

After her story occupied the whole world, I returned a wreck Submarine Titan of the company “Oceangate”to land after it exploded last week, killing its five passengers during their expedition to see the wreckage of the “Titanic”.

The Canadian ship “Horizon Arctic” carried a remotely operated submersible vehicle to search the ocean floor. Near the wreck of the Titanic about cutting the submarine.

Twisted pieces of the 22-foot submarine were washed ashore at a Canadian Coast Guard dock Wednesday.

From the wreckage of the submarine Titan - Reuters

From the wreckage of the submarine Titan – Reuters

For its part, Belgian Research Services, the company with offices in Massachusetts and New York that owns the submersible vehicle, said in a statement on Wednesday that it had completed operations off the coast.

She also added that her team “is still on assignment and cannot comment on the ongoing Titan investigation, which involves several government agencies in the United States and Canada.”

10 days ago

“They have been working around the clock now for 10 days, through the physical and mental challenges of the process, and are excited to finish the job,” the company statement said.

From the wreckage of the submarine Titan - Reuters

From the wreckage of the submarine Titan – Reuters

In turn, the Coast Guard said last week that the wreckage of Titan was located about 12,500 feet (3,810 meters) underwater and about 1,600 feet (488 meters) from the Titanic on the ocean floor.

The Coast Guard is leading the investigation into what caused the submarine to explode during its June 18 landing. Officials announced on June 22 that the submarine had exploded from the inside and that the five on board had died.

From the wreckage of the submarine Titan - Reuters

From the wreckage of the submarine Titan – Reuters

The return of the wreckage to a port in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador Province, is a major part of the investigation into the cause of the submarine explosion, which killed all those on board who were British billionaire Himish Harding (58 years old) and businessman of Pakistani origin Shahzadeh Daoud (48). years) and his son Suleiman (19 years), and the two are British citizens, in addition to the French explorer Paul Henry Nargolet (77 years) and the founder and CEO of “Ocean Gate Expeditions” Rush Stockton, who each paid $ 250,000, and most importantly his life for this adventure deadly.

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