
Wagner’s commander told us to stop his group’s operations in Ukraine

The RIA news agency reported, quoting a senior lawmaker, today, Thursday, that Russia has informed the head of the Wagner Private Military Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, that he will be denied funding if his fighters do not sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense.

The head of the Defense Committee in the Russian Parliament, Andrei Kartapolov, announced today, Thursday, that the founder of the Wagner Special Military Forces, Yevgeny Prigozhin, had been informed that the Russian Ministry of Defense intends to stop financing the “Wagner” group, in the event that its members do not sign contracts with it.

Kartapolov told reporters that Prigozhin had not complied with the Russian Defense Ministry’s decision on the contracts.

He added that he had been notified that Wagner would not participate in the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

private military companies

The head of the Defense Committee of the Russian State Duma had said earlier that the council was currently preparing a draft law on the activities of private military companies in Russia.

Kartapolov added that legislation must be issued to regulate the work of private military companies in the Russian Federation.

These statements came against the background of the crisis between the armed Wagens movement and the Russian army, after the fighters of the armed group were fighting on the side of the Russian army against Ukraine.

The Special Military Movement recently declared its rebellion against the Russian forces, imposed control over a number of cities and towns in the Russian Federation, and began moving towards the capital, Moscow, until the President of Belarus intervened to mediate between the two sides, and reached an agreement to end the armed group’s rebellion.

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