
This is what the boy’s mother, Nael, said after his horrific murder in France..and the policeman apologized

mother expressed French boy Nael Whose killing, shot by a policeman, sparked riots, Thursday, believing that the incident had racial motives.

“I don’t blame the police, I blame one person: the person who killed my son,” Monia told France 5 in her first media interview since the shooting on Tuesday morning.

effects of the protests

effects of the protests

She added, “I have friends who are cops. They support me completely… They don’t agree with what happened.”

She considered that the 38-year-old policeman, who was charged with premeditated murder, could have resorted to other methods to control her son, who was driving a car without a license.

The single mother said in tears: “He didn’t have to kill my son. A bullet? From this distance from his chest? No, no.”

She considered that the policeman “saw an Arab face, a little boy, and wanted to kill him.”

The mother, who said she works in the medical sector, asked, “How long will this continue? How many more children will be killed like this? How many mothers will find themselves in my place?”

On Thursday, Monia led a march in the suburb of Nanterre, west of Paris, where she lived with her son, which ended in clashes between demonstrators and the police.

The French policeman apologizes

On Thursday, a French policeman apologized to the family of the boy, Nael, who was shot on Tuesday during a traffic control operation on the outskirts of Paris, according to his lawyer.

“The first word he said was sorry, and the last words he said were to apologize to the family,” said lawyer Laurent-Franc Leignard on the French “BFMTV” channel.

He added, “My client was deeply shocked by the violence of this video… which he saw for the first time while he was in police custody,” referring to the pictures that show him firing a bullet that caused the death of 17-year-old Nael, after he refused to obey and stop the car he was driving.

The lawyer continued, “He is devastated. He does not get up in the morning to kill people. He does not want to be killed.”

The policeman was charged with premeditated murder and remanded in custody on Thursday.

Leynar announced that he would appeal the detention decision on Friday morning.

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