
“It did not achieve its goals.” Israel is preparing for a second day of battles in Jenin

In an Israeli escalation and expansion of the military operation in the Jenin camp, Israeli officials said today, Monday, that the desired objectives of embryo operation It has not achieved its goals so far, stressing that they are preparing for a second day of battles.

“hit the infrastructure”

Meanwhile, the Israeli army spokesman, Avichai Adraei, confirmed that the operation launched by the Israeli army in Jenin and its camp continues until it achieves its objectives, which is striking the infrastructure of the Palestinian factions whose center is in Jenin.

Adraei added, “The operation is not set by a timetable, but its duration depends on the completion of the mission, which is weakening the infrastructure of these organizations inside the camp,” indicating that this operation is a step among a series of other steps taken in the past and will also be taken in the coming days and weeks to weaken the two Islamic Jihad movements. and Hamas in the Jenin camp.

“I need another 24 hours.”

In addition, an informed source said that the Israeli army needs at least another 24 hours to complete the Jenin operation.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson said Monday that the White House is closely monitoring the situation in the West Bank.

“We have seen the reports and are closely monitoring the situation … we support Israel’s security and its right to defend its people in the face of the Palestinian (two movements) Hamas and Islamic Jihad and terrorist groups,” the White House spokesman added.

Ambulances banned

For its part, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said today, Monday, that nine Palestinians were killed and 28 others were wounded, including eight seriously, as a result of the Israeli military operation that began on the city of Jenin and its camp, as well as in a shooting in the city of Al-Bireh.

While circulating videos showed that the Israeli forces besieging the camp from various sides prevented ambulances from entering it to transport the injured for treatment.

In turn, the municipality of Jenin reported that the Israeli army forces had largely destroyed the main lines of the water network and prevented its crews from repairing them, calling on the residents of Jenin and its camp to rationalize water consumption.

Offensive marches and missiles

Israel had targeted, with missiles and offensive drones, several sites inside and on the outskirts of Jenin camp. In the aftermath of the bombing, large army forces, accompanied by armored military bulldozers, stormed the city of Jenin from several axes, besieged the Jenin camp, cut off the roads linking the city and the camp, seized a number of houses and buildings overlooking the camp, deployed their snipers on their roofs, and cut off the electricity supply to the camp. large parts of the camp.

The skies of Jenin and its camp are witnessing an intense flight of the Israeli occupation planes, whether “Apache” or reconnaissance planes.

The city of Jenin and the neighboring refugee camp are considered a regular scene of confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli forces, which in the past months have intensified their operations in the northern occupied West Bank, with the increase in armed operations targeting Israelis, and with it settler attacks on Palestinians and their property.

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