
With a recording of 41 seconds, he thanked his supporters.. Prigozhin is alive!

After the media was talking during the past week, there was less talk about the founder of the “Wagner” private military group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, after a settlement that led to his exile to Belarus because of his failed rebellion attempt.

And while there is no longer any talk of the man in Russian mediaAnd his location is not known now, the controversial Wagner leader appeared in an audio recording on Monday evening.

41 sec

Prigozhin, after much speculation, gave the first sign that he was alive Monday night, with a 41-second audio recording he posted to Telegram, thanking his supporters for their support in his failed recent rebellion, according to Politico.

Then he came back and stressed that his movement was not intended to change the government in Russia, claiming that it was for the purpose of what he called: “fighting the traitors.”

Failed rebellion

This is Prigozhin’s second appearance, after a statement published on private channels on Telegram on June 26, in which he announced his departure to prevent what he claimed was a “bloodbath” from happening.

Prigozhin, 62, went from folk hero to enemy number one in Russia after he led a 36-hour armed rebellion last month, seizing the southern city of Rostov and sending his men 200 kilometers from the capital, Moscow.

The man then disappeared after President Vladimir Putin condemned his rebellion as a “stab in the back”.

After that, he won a judicial reprieve in a deal brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, according to which he received him in his country with his elements.

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