
We oppose sending cluster munitions to Ukraine

German Foreign Minister Analina Baerbock stressed Friday that her country opposes sending cluster munitions Ukraine, a day after US officials said Washington planned to supply Kiev with weapons widely condemned for killing and maiming civilians.

While human rights organizations oppose such a step, Birbock said that Germany also opposes it, as it is among the 111 member states of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. And the United States is not a party to the treaty, according to Reuters.

“Already being researched.”

When asked about what US officials said, she told reporters at a climate conference in Vienna: “I followed the media reports. For us as a state party to the Oslo Accords, the agreement applies in this case,” referring to the Convention on Cluster Munitions that was made available for signature in the Norwegian capital in 2008. The convention prohibits Use, storage, production and transfer of cluster munitions.

This comes as confirmed White House Sending cluster munitions to Ukraine is “actually being discussed,” but there is nothing to be announced in this regard.

US President Joe Biden is scheduled to attend a NATO summit a few days later in Lithuania, and the war in Ukraine is expected to dominate its discussions.

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In addition, Human Rights Watch called on Russia and Ukraine to stop using cluster munitions, and urged the United States not to provide them, adding that the two countries’ forces had already used them, killing Ukrainian civilians.

It is noteworthy that cluster munitions usually release a large number of small bombs that cause indiscriminate killing over a wide area, threatening the lives of civilians.

Unexploded bomblets pose a danger for years after a conflict ends.

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