
America sending cluster munitions to Ukraine is a sign of weakness

A spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, confirmed today, Saturday, that Washington has provided Kiev with cluster munitions evidence of weakness.

The Foreign Ministry said in a statement, “The supply of cluster munitions to Ukraine will not affect the course of a special military operation in any way,” noting that sending cluster munitions is evidence of despair against the background of the failure of the Ukrainian “counter-attack”.

She also continued, “The decision of US President Joe Biden’s administration to provide the Kiev regime with cluster munitions is another blatant manifestation of the aggressive, anti-Russian course of the United States, which aims to prolong the conflict in Ukraine and the war to the maximum extent.”


It also indicated that, by providing Kiev with cluster munitions, Washington “will be complicit in the mining of the region and will share full responsibility for the victims of the explosions, including Russian and Ukrainian children.”

Zakharova stressed that Washington realizes that Kiev’s promises of careful use of cluster weapons are worthless.

Official announcement from the Pentagon

Yesterday, US President Joe Biden’s administration officially announced that it would send cluster munitions to Ukraine as part of military aid from the Pentagon.

A Pentagon statement said the administration would provide “additional artillery systems and munitions, including improved dual-use, highly effective conventional munitions (cluster munitions), on which the administration has consulted extensively with Congress and our allies and partners.”

An empty cluster munition container stuck in the ground after a Russian attack on Ukraine (archives from Reuters)

An empty cluster munition container stuck in the ground after a Russian attack on Ukraine (archives from Reuters)

The move was criticized by international organizations, as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, expressed his desire not to see these weapons used in the field, while

Cluster munitions, which are banned by more than 120 countries, usually release a large number of bomblets to kill people over a large area indiscriminately, threatening the lives of civilians. Unexploded bomblets pose a danger that will last for years after a conflict ends.

A 2009 law bans the United States from exporting cluster munitions with bomblet failure rates greater than 1 percent, which applies to almost all of the US military’s stockpile.

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