
Video of the slap in the face of Britney Spears when she tried to congratulate the basketball player

A video appeared on Friday evening American singer Britney Spears, And she received a slap, her head shook left and right from its severity, and the TMZ website, which specializes in the United States in news of stars and celebrities, reported it exclusively. He also singled out the video shown below for slapping the famous pop star in the face.

And Spears stated, Thursday, on her Instagram account, that she was a day before, interested in entering the Catch restaurant of the Arial Hotel in Las Vegas, when she saw French player Victor Wembanyama, 22 years younger than her, who is currently in Nevada to play his first match with San Francisco. Antonio Spurs Basketball.

The 41-year-old singer approached him to “congratulate him on his success amidst a lot of noise, so I patted him on the shoulder to attract his attention. However, a member of his security apparatus slapped me without looking back,” according to what we see his hand extending to her in the video shown by Quoted below from the “YouTube” channel of the TMZ host, Britney Spears described the slap as almost knocking her to the ground with its force, to the point that her glasses flew from her eyes to the floor.

And the Los Angeles Police confirmed to AFP that it had opened an investigation on Wednesday evening related to “beating and wounding”, without disclosing the name of the victim. “No arrest warrants or summonses have been issued, and no further details will be given at this time,” which has happened so far, she said.

As for the player, Victor Wimpanyama, after his training session on Thursday, he confirmed that the incident had occurred, explaining that he did not know that Spurs were involved until later, and said: “A person started calling me, sir, sir! Then he grabbed me from my back, not from my shoulder. But I don’t know with what degree of force (..) I didn’t look, but continued walking in order to have dinner and spend an evening,” as he put it.

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