
American police violence.. Watch a policeman throw a pregnant woman to the ground

The behavior of American police officers sparked anger in the United States again, but the intensity of anger reached its climax this time, as the victim who was subjected to violence was a pregnant woman.

A video clip, published by US media, documented police officers in Florida surrounding a car with a pregnant woman with dark skin inside.

“Don’t touch me.. I’m pregnant.”

The incident began when the police arrived after a report of a verbal quarrel between the passengers of the car in Boca Raton last May, but its facts were revealed during the past hours.

After a dispute between the police officers and the passengers of the car, who included children, one of the police officers pulled the pregnant woman out of the car, even though she shouted at him: “Don’t touch me… I am six months pregnant.”

But the policeman did not pay attention to the woman’s words and pulled her hard and knocked her to the ground, saying, “I don’t care,” before putting handcuffs on her hands.

Early retirement for a policeman

The authorities said that the policeman involved in the incident retired after the incident, which was confirmed by a human rights organization in the state.

The US police said that it had conducted an investigation into the behavior of the police officer, and the pregnant woman said at a later time that she wanted, by resisting the policeman, not to allow any policeman to cause psychological trauma to another child.

According to the police, the pregnant woman was charged with resisting a policeman.

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