
Watch Biden violate protocol twice during his meeting with King Charles

Today, Monday, US President Biden was exposed to an embarrassing situation while the King of Britain received him, and Biden seemed to wander alone, leaving the king behind, then tried to communicate with the king’s royal guard, only to be directed by King Charles III to the other side.

  Biden violates protocol during his meeting with King Charles

Biden violates protocol during his meeting with King Charles

The Daily Mail reported that US President Joe Biden, during his reception by British King Charles III, at Windsor Castle today, Monday, violated the rules of etiquette and protocol twice.

King Charles III received US President Joe Biden at Windsor Castle today, Monday, during his short visit to the United Kingdom before traveling to Lithuania to attend the NATO summit.

And Biden broke protocol by taking two steps forward, walking before the King at Windsor Castle.

The newspaper reported that Biden patted Charles III on the back, and held him by the hand during his reception, although according to the rules, no one should touch members of the royal family in this way.

In the course of his most recent visit, Biden was a visitor but still felt he had the leverage to include the Royal Guard in his talks. And when that didn’t work, King Charles III, in a video shared on Twitter, can be seen trying to direct the president during the reception.
It is not possible to hear what happened between the king and Biden, but judging from the king’s reaction, he seemed a little exhausted by Biden’s antics.

Commenting on this, etiquette expert William Hanson said that leaders of countries should be close to each other in such events.

He justified the US president’s mistake by the fact that “maybe he was too relaxed or did not listen to the warnings.”

Biden visited Britain today and met with King Charles III and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and left for Lithuania to attend the NATO summit that focuses on continuing to support Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression.

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