
We tested an intercontinental ballistic missile launch

South Korean news agency Yonhap quoted state media in Kand North Rhea Saying on Wednesday that North Korea has tested a Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile.

It added that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised the launch.

And the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the South Korean army revealed earlier, Wednesday, that its northern neighbor had launched an unspecified ballistic missile towards the East Sea, pointing out that it was launched at an oblique angle and flew 1,000 km.

The South Korean president vowed that Pyongyang would pay for its actions, which he described as illegal.

For his part, the Japanese border guards confirmed the fall of the ballistic missile launched by North Korea.

Serious provocation

His government said that North Korea’s launch of a ballistic missile was a serious provocation and a violation of international resolutions, adding that Tokyo lodged a strong protest against the North Korean experience through diplomatic channels in China.

These developments came at a time when relations between the two Koreas had deteriorated to their lowest levels with the cessation of dialogue and the declaration by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that his country is an irreversible nuclear state, calling on his army leaders to promote the development of the military arsenal, especially tactical nuclear weapons.

Seoul and Washington vowed that Pyongyang would face a nuclear response and end the current government in North Korea if it used its nuclear weapons.

critical step

It is noteworthy that a spokesman for the North Korean Ministry of Defense had said that the United States had intensified espionage activities more than the levels of the war period through “provocative” sorties of American spy planes, according to him.

The official Central News Agency also quoted the spokesman as warning, “There is no guarantee that a shocking incident will not occur.”

On Monday night, Kim Yo Jong, the sister of leader Kim Jong Un and his close advisor, indicated that a US spy plane had violated North Korea’s eastern airspace twice on the same morning.

In a statement, it warned against taking what it called a “decisive step” if the US military crossed the military line of its maritime borders.

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