
After a closure that cost Libya 340,000 barrels of oil, Boumtari was released

Al-Senussi Al-Haliq, head of the Supreme Council of the Zwai tribes, announced on Saturday evening that the former Finance Minister, Faraj Boumtari, a descendant of this tribe, whose arrest sparked a crisis that led to the closure of oil fields in Libya, had been released.

According to what was reported by Libyan media, Al-Haliq added that Boumtari’s release came at the request of the Public Prosecutor.

And it was The leader of the Zway tribe He had said earlier that production stopped at El Feel, El Sharara and 108 fields on Thursdays in protest of the kidnapping of Faraj Boumtari, Minister of Finance in the previous government, when he was visiting the capital, Tripoli.

Faraj Boumtari

Faraj Boumtari

The Zwai tribe had said that Boumtari is a candidate for the position of governor of the Central Bank, adding that this makes him vulnerable to danger and “kidnapping”.

For his part, Libyan Oil Minister Mohamed Aoun said, on Saturday, that the continuous closure of a number of oil fields in the country led to the state losing 340,000 barrels.

Before the closure, Libya was producing about 1.2 million barrels per day.

The Oil Ministry said in a statement issued early Saturday that Close the three oil fields It may lead to a declaration of force majeure.

The ministry added that “loss of confidence in the sustainability of supplying the global market with Libyan oil results in Libyan oil remaining without marketing, or a decrease in demand for it.”

And she added, in the statement, that: Closing oil fields may lead to “loss of importers.” Libyan oil irreversibly”, because of their fear of instability of supplies.

The Sharara field is one of the largest oil-producing fields in Libya, with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day. He was a frequent target of protesters in the midst of political disputes.

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