
What the US Treasury Secretary ate in China…made her bow to an official in Beijing!

The “hallucinogenic mushroom” may be the reason for several bows made by the US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, during a Chinese official’s reception, which angered the Americans and demanded her accountability.

her accompanying delegation

her accompanying delegation

According to American newspapers, which quoted sources, that Yellen, during her recent visit to China, went to a restaurant and ordered four portions of “hallucinogenic mushrooms” for dinner three nights before their meeting.

Jian shou qing mushrooms, which have narcotic properties if not cooked thoroughly, are part of a traditional dish in China and ordered by Yilin at Beijing’s Yi Zu Yi Wang restaurant on July 6.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms

Hallucinogenic mushrooms

Three days later, she met the Chinese official and made an unusual gesture when she bowed more than once. The footage showed Yelin approaching Vice Premier He Lifeng, her Chinese counterpart, bowing several times and shaking his hand excitedly.

Former White House staffer Bradley Blackman, who served during President George W. Bush’s administration, told the New York Post that the move was inappropriate.

Some Twitter users shared the same views, describing the bend as embarrassing to the United States.

And a local food blogger posted on Chinese website Weibo that Yelin and the US delegation ate a range of Yunnan dishes, including grilled fish and fried vegetables.

In response to the post, the restaurant confirmed that Yelin had dined there, adding that she had shown particular enthusiasm for one of the wild mushrooms from Yunnan. And the restaurant’s account posted: “Yelin was here… She came as soon as she arrived in China. Our staff said she loves mushrooms very much… It was a very magical day.”

Yilin’s meal quickly spread across Chinese social media, sparking a discussion about the mushroom’s narcotic properties.

Professor Peter Mortimer told CNN that mushrooms are poisonous because they may cause hallucinations, pointing out that his friend ate it by mistake and suffered hallucinations for three days.

After Yelin’s visit, the Chinese state news agency Xinhua published a report on how to eat mushrooms safely.

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