
Netanyahu and Abbas will visit Ankara next week

The Turkish presidency announced in a statement today, Thursday, that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will visit Turkey next week on different days.

“President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will receive separately in Turkey Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The leaders will arrive in our country at President Erdogan’s invitation, and views will be exchanged on regional and global issues,” the statement said.

Abbas will arrive in Turkey on July 25, while Netanyahu will arrive on July 28.

Jenin attack

It is noteworthy that an Israeli attack on the Jenin camp in the West Bank at the beginning of this month lasted for two days, during which it destroyed the roads and alleys in the camp, forced thousands of people to flee their homes, and killed 12 Palestinians, and an Israeli soldier was killed during the attack.

Destruction in Jenin (AFP)

Destruction in Jenin (AFP)

Violence has escalated in the West Bank over the past 15 months, with an increase in Israeli raids and attacks by Palestinians on the streets of Israel and settler attacks on Palestinian villages.

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