
The Musicians Syndicate backs down.. Approval of Travis Scott’s concert on condition

The crisis of the American rapper Travis Scott’s concert in Egypt continues, in light of the attacks of some on the concert, and the decision of the Musicians Syndicate to revoke its license.

However, the attack on the Musicians Syndicate by some prompted it to retract its previous position by revoking the license, and conditioned its approval of holding the concert on a single order.

Mostafa Kamel, the head of the Musicians Syndicate, published a video clip to respond to everything that was said about the American singer’s concert, which the syndicate feared because of what it called strange rituals taking place at his concerts.

The Musicians Syndicate confirmed that his syndicate is not the only one authorized to issue the license, and there are 3 parties, including the syndicate, that issue the license for the concert.

He pointed out that the license is still available with the company organizing the party, but there were fears for him and his colleagues in the Syndicate Council about this party.

He also considered that some find only the Musicians Syndicate to blame when something happens, which prompted them to express their fear because of what happened at Travis Scott’s concert in the United States of America.

In the end, Kamel indicated that the syndicate stressed in its license the need to put security considerations into effect, and therefore if the organizing company obtains security approvals, the syndicate will salute it for this matter, and the ceremony will be held on time.

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