
Four-month-old baby found after being abducted from mother’s home

A four-month-old baby was found safe after being kidnapped in San Joaquin County, California.

The child was taken from his mother’s home on Saturday, with the ex-boyfriend of the mother emerging as a prime suspect, according to KCRA3.

The abduction is suspected of having taken place at around 4pm at the home located on Mokelumne Avenue in Thornton, south of the state capital Sacramento in the central parts of the state.

Isaiah Reginal Michael Teague, 31, who is not the father of the child, was located in Sacramento, but the child wasn’t with him, according to the authorities.

Sgt Amar Gandhi of Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office said police spotted the suspect’s vehicle close to Interstate 80 and Northgate Boulevard, adding that a pursuit was ended because of the high speeds.

Sgt Gandhi said that the car was later found abandoned, with a police helicopter spotting the suspect on his own close to the interstate and Auburn Boulevard after which he was taken into custody.

“We have four agencies all putting together everything seamlessly,” the sergeant said, adding that the suspect told the authorities that the child had been left with a family member. KCRA3 noted that it was unclear if it was a family member of the child or of the suspect.

A four-month-old baby was found safe after being kidnapped in San Joaquin County, California, leading to a high-speed chase

(Screenshot / KCRA 3)

Sgt Gandhi told the local station that the baby was safe and “perfectly healthy”.

Mr Teague is set to face charges in several jurisdictions following the incident.

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