(The Folding of Time) – Manal Al-Hussaini

Manal Al-Hussaini
It is self-evident that the measure of beginning and end is time, that process concerned with the continuous progression of events from the past to the future through the present.
Perhaps the concept of “time folding,” which scholars and researchers have talked about and those interested in this matter have read about, is, in short, a process of accelerating events that increases the flow of time.
It is agreed that it was not taught and was not found in the folds of books, but it was observed with evidence, stories and verses in the Holy Book of God with clear verses with clear evidence, such as the story of our Master Muhammad in the Night Journey and Mi’raj and the Prophet of God Solomon when the throne was brought to him before his limb returned to it, and Al-Khidr and many, as there is no room to enumerate them. .
It will appear in your mind for a moment that this happened to righteous prophets and saints, so there is no room for similarity.
Let me tell you that we, as humans, in this earthly experience are able to enter into the process of “folding time” if we want. It is known that time is linked to space, and one does not exist without the other.
Time has one orbit (extended) and another (contracted). The first is what the majority of people experience, but the (contracted). In order for you to exist in it, it requires from you a soul that has manifested itself and understood the purpose of life in this earthly experience. The results of life and its course, as well as time, are completely different from those in the orbit ( extrovert).
The reason is clearly – the difference in time – as the owners of (contracted) time have penetrated into the nucleus of “no time” with will and awareness on their part and with paths, time, and results that are superior to others, so events are seen with insight, not with sight.
I would not be exaggerating if I said that they are the owners of “nothing is impossible.” Our long days and our accomplishments that take years for something are reduced to them to the point of almost the blink of an eye.
Their spiritual awareness was surrounded by divine support, almost like a divine gift.
It is similar to Sufism in its appearance, but it is absolute surrender, with no attachment to people or events, and no excessive waiting for the future.
Their souls put their trust and worshiped with love without fear and mingled with people without want or need, so the world missed them reluctantly.
Perhaps you have encountered someone who was desperate for something that he could not achieve, and then you were surprised by the flow of life to him, specifically in what he was asking for earlier.
Perhaps you heard of another person whose affliction was lifted through supplication and praise.
They both handed over the matter and went on with life, and time passed by for him.
It is said that the current moment that we are living now has zero time, and that moment since the existence of the universe is a continuous creation in the hands of the Creator. Glory be to Him for whom time does not flow, for with Him we are in the past, present and future.