Square begins testing to support Apple’s Tap to Pay program
Square has announced that it will start supporting Click-to-Pay technology again at a later date.
Currently if it is currently using the process of using the familiar square dongle to receive, receive, receive, upload, and by supporting tap to pay, anything but iPhone iPhone. The new program will allow iPhone users to pay with their phones within Square’s Point of Sale (POS) app.
It first announced Click to Pay in February 2022, and first backed Square’s rival Stripe. The partnership with Stripe also supports, which in Shopify, a POS app, quoted The Virgin.
The letters Click to Pay feature only on iPhone XS models and later, and between that and asking people for cards or supporting them to pay, the Square dongle might not be going away anytime soon. Many sellers are attracted by how they allow more payment methods to be taken easily. The choice may be yours to Square users.
Program start, program start, program start.
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