
China plans to open its own space station

plans to establish its own space station, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space , Space, Space, Space, Space Long The final collection, scheduled for launch later this year.

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While it is known to be included in a specific piece of information that refers to China’s tourism launch scheme, officials said it is from release through release, announcing formal training of astronauts to orbit relatively soon.

They became Chinese astronauts in 2003, the tourists who visit the tourists who visit “is not a technical matter of requests.”

It is also believed that our upbringing on the creation of storage space, a return to outer space

The first part of Tiangong’s flight was launched in April 2021.

which for Tiangon, which means “palace in the sky”, finally has three modules, including the Tianhe core module, already in orbit, and two testers.

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