
What is the difference between unmute posts or stories on Instagram?

The reason for creating posts or their stories is due to various reasons, which made the posts or stories of these people re-voice, you can do this using your mobile device, here is how to unmute posts and stories on Instagram on iPhone and Android according to “business insider”.

How to unmute someone on Instagram

If you previously muted someone’s Instagram posts option, you have the option to unmute them:

1. Go to the Instagram profile of the person you want to cancel the account.

2. Tap Next, left side of the screen.

3. Select the Mute section.

4. Toggle the mute option on next to Posts, Stories, or both.

How to unmute someone’s Instagram story

If you muted a specific Instagram story, but want to unmute it, do so, even if you forgot the account you muted:

1. Open Instagram and login, if necessary.

2. Scroll through your story feed, at the top of the screen, until you find a gray icon, that signifies a story you’ve muted.

3. Click with search on the gray profile picture.

4. Click Replay Audio.

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