
It sends a crew to its station in June

China intends to send 3 astronauts to the latest projects next week, after starting early next week in the 6-month week of staying in orbit, and implementing an official said today to a Sky News Arabia report.

He announced that China’s aerospace engineering program might be polite in keeping it on its schedule.

An ambitious Chinese astronaut launched its first astronaut to the lunar surface in 2013, and on the lunar surface last year, while officials discussed a manned mission to the moon.

The release and basic unit launch of Tiangong, or “Heavenly Palace,” station in April 2021. In contrast, Hao said the “Wentian” unit is scheduled to start in July and launch the “Mengtian” unit in October, according to the Associated Press.

Earlier, the flight crew of Flight Group 13 in the Gobi Desert in the northern region. Initial operations performed through email

China was the third country to send space into space on its own, after the former Soviet Union. It is worth noting that Tiangong is the third space station after its two predecessors, which were launched together in 2011 and 2016.

And during the publication of the Chinese government, 2020, the publication of these government works.

Notably, China’s exclusion from the International Space Station was ruled out due to US concern that its space program is run by the ruling Communist Party’s military wing, the People’s Liberation Army.

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