
Google Search is testing a new feature to show the number of likes on articles for Android users

Google search started a new feature, found a new feature, found a new feature in some ads View in Google feed Discover a number is now open.

Earlier, the main system was an affirmative voting option, so that you could vote on the posts that they did not like and vote on the posts that they did not like, and later on, this system was simplified to vote down to the “Don’t be interested in this” option within the menu.

The report appears to attempt its purpose on display in the Discover feeds, and as part of this limited experiment, the Discover Now feed will be presented.

Education may be in the light of the education I want, where you can teach through education.

There is a clear sign on the Like button he’s doing, one’s relationship, scientists, scientists, scientists, scientists, signs, signs, signs, signs, signs, signs, signs, signs, signs, signs, signs, good signs, signs Distinctive, indicative relationship.

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