A controversial expression in a stinging tweet
Elon Musk, the founder of the self-driving car company Tesla, mocked Bill Gates with a tweet via his account on Twitter, where he posted a picture of the businessman and founder of Microsoft, along with an emoji of the controversial pregnant man from Apple.
A previous official post by him, on Friday, in which 6 articles appear, and he wrote in his comment: “Shadow Ban Board tweet” “Shadow Ban Board tweet”.
The newspaper, “Daily”, the British newspaper, “Daily”, said, “The bad joke, the anger of the employees of the employees, who were angered by the attempts of” Musk” to buy back the company, after he said that he would take a hard stance in support of freedom of expression.
This is because the fee is proportional to the fee you see, while that part is aimed at the fee.
Elon Musk’s tweet about Bill Gates
While many complained about “Mask”, and accused him of turning into a transgender through the year 2020, in addition to describing him as a “bully”, but they said that they wanted the same future, the captain, the Americans, the future, the big technological future.
The newspaper, the British newspaper, to the reactions of Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, to the account of billionaire Bill Gates, provoked mixed reactions on “Twitter”, with one of them writing: “How can this man be such a barbarian.”
Bill Gates, the third richest man in the world after Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos, earlier took a snapshot of Tesla CEO, after the electric car maker announced $1.5 billion in bitcoin.
Gates said to Bloomberg Thursday: Collective has a lot of money and is randomly developing.
It is reported that the billionaire, Musk confirmed, confirmed – earlier today – the authenticity of leaked texts that took place between him and his counterpart, Bill Gates, Gates, Gates, last week, to sell the Tesla company for electric cars owned by Musk.
The conversations show the leaked conversations in Bill Gates’ color, due to the way he shorted shares of the electric car maker, and according to “Sputnik”, when investors sell shares, they are betting that the price of the asset will fall.
In previous years, to answer him, Gates: “Sorry I didn’t close it.
But Musk’s response to the Microsoft founder was: “Sorry, I can’t take your philanthropy seriously. You have a massive short position against Tesla, the company that works in its effort to contribute to solving the problem of climate change.”
Elon Musk was forced to confirm his leaked conversation with Bill Gates, after the tweeters published it on Twitter, and asked him personally whether these leaks were real or not. That’s his friends’ friends.
After that, complete the acting process multiple times, if this is done.
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