
NASA plans to send astronauts to space with Dragon and Starliner vehicles

The US agency “NASA” plans to alternately use the two “Dragon” and “Starliner” vehicles of the companies “SpaceX” and “Boeing”, to deliver them to airspace. This was announced by the director of manned programs at “NASA” Safe Stitch, at a press conference held to meet a space test flight of the “Starline” spacecraft belonging to the “Boeing” company.

Are there some questions related to each other, each other, each other, but what related to them from each other?

It can contain the appropriate word from the crew.

“It will move to the next stage,” he said.

He expects to expect the vehicle to fly on a passenger jet on May 19, and then expects to receive a pilot’s license to fly.

Shot once in 2019, it was supposed to start in the USA. This was achieved using the score technique.

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