Japanese brewer turns fermentation waste into jeans.. know how
A Japanese brewer uses top-recycling technology to turn waste from the brewing process blue, winning new fans for the company in the industry, digitartlend reports.
Nikkei Asia is back, that the sludge is being turned into clothing.
Create your own Washi Collaboration “Create your own jeans, Japanese style.”
washi is used in denim, describing the end product for its use as “light and breathable.”
Shima used light denim nuts from dark Sapporo Breweries beer in an effort to highlight the company’s Black Label branding.
Black Label Malt & Hops 41,800 (about $310) and 1,600 people try to buy Trakt Sapporo’s first 30 pairs to their online store.
Shinosuke Araki, assistant manager of Sapporo Breweries, told Nikkei Asia that the group was surprised by the caution so many people were on the order.
The pandemic has reduced beer sales at all four major breweries in Japan, among them Sapporo breweries, and the difficult situation has prompted the company to deploy top-recycling technology as a creative and friendly way to give waste a new lease of life, while allowing it, to showcase, expose, and create new space for followers. For its beer brand Black Label.
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