
The French “Victor 6000” is the last hope for those threatened with death today in the submarine

The only hope to save those who are in the final round of their struggle with death in Submersible “Titan” Stranded since last Sunday, he is a French robotic diver, called Victor 6000, described as the only one in the world capable of diving to where the Titan broke down near the wreckage of the sunken “Titanic” at a depth of 3800 meters under the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and extracting it from where it was cut off. .

The “Victor 6000”, which weighs 4 tons, has a diving speed of 1.5 knots, or 2,778 meters per hour, can descend to 20,000 feet underwater, equivalent to 6,000 meters, and it takes 4 hours to reach the 6.7-meter-long Titan, then climb it to the surface. Water so that its five passengers can breathe air naturally, at a time when they no longer have enough oxygen until Thursday morning, American Eastern time, according to a report published today by the British newspaper “The Times”.

The famous French diver arrived yesterday, Wednesday, aboard L’Atalante ship The worker has those who operate it remotely, which read in its biography that it belongs to the “French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Seas” known by the letters FREMER as an abbreviation for its long name, and it will, at dawn Thursday, American time, land the “Victor 6000” to the waters of the area that was spotted by Canadian planes. Last Tuesday, “clattering” sounds emanated from it, in the first and last serious attempt to save those threatened with perishing by suffocation, on the very day.

Time is running out

And what “Victor 6000” will do, through its operation of 25 experts on board the mother ship L’Atalante, is to move its arms and extend cables to tie the submersible “Titan” weighing more than 10 tons, so that it is pulled from a ship on the surface, and the prisoners are taken out.

What is evident from the Western media’s coverage of the submarine’s predicament is that time has become so tight that only one rescue operation is allowed, the first and the last through “Victor 6000”, at least, which can also be deduced from what Lieutenant Jamie Frederick of the US Coast Guard said, when He said in a press conference held last Tuesday that the international search mission will continue for another 48 hours, “because this is a 100% search and rescue mission, and when you are in the middle of an operation of this kind, you always have hope,” adding that the deployment of the French teams will take place immediately upon their arrival.

Experts operate the Vector 6000 from the Atlantean mothership

Experts operate the Vector 6000 from the Atlantean mothership

The lieutenant announced that 5 ships and various aircraft are combing an area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean covering an area of ​​16 thousand square kilometers, and he expects the arrival of 5 other ships during the next two days, including the arrival of the French L’Atalante to the site around midnight Wednesday American time, with the robotic diver on board.

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