
I invite our partners to cooperate in building railways linking Central Asia with the Gulf

“I invite our partners to cooperate in building a railway linking Central Asia with the Gulf,” said the President of Kyrgyzstan, Sadir Japarov.

Japarov added, in his speech at the events Gulf summit with Central Asian countriesToday, Wednesday, economic and investment cooperation is the most important thing on the agenda of this summit, explaining: “Central Asia is a region with wide economic opportunities.”

Noting that it is important to continue active exchange of visits to expand cooperation with our countries, the President of Kyrgyzstan said.

The first summit between the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the countries of Central Asia known as the five “stan” countries kicked off today in Jeddah, in addition to the 18th consultative meeting of the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

The Asian Gulf Summit deals with issues of joint cooperation, especially in the fields of trade, investment, energy, education, scientific research, industry, agriculture, tourism and culture, in addition to discussing a number of regional and international issues of common interest.

The summit, which discusses strengthening cooperation and coordination in various fields, is held in light of the growing regional and international interest and competition in the five Central Asian countries. Given its location and geostrategic importance, and the natural resources that these countries possess, which qualifies them for great developmental leaps.

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