
NASA begins its fourth round of testing of the Artemis rocket, which will last for 3 days

Starting work on the launch of the space launch, and the objectives until it begins to work under the moon Under the general atmosphere program, the launch of the missile begins the fire, the launch of the missile, the launch of the missile, the launch of the missile, the firing, the launch of the missile, the launch of the missile, the launch of the missile, The launch of the missile on Monday, June 20.

The third attempt, the test attempt, the attempt to try again.

After three attempts at a die-cast, the missile could be launched from the launch pad.

The first episode of testing to the first stage of testing.

“NASA is on their way starting after their training inside the Launch Control Center at the launch site and demonstrating the ability to recycle the countdown clock, as well as drain tanks to give them a chance to schedule the device,” NASA wrote in an update shared this week.

Previous event Previous event This instance had previously This instance had previously This instance had previously occurred This instance had previously occurred This instance had previously occurred in previous instances. Weekend with suspension begins tomorrow Monday 20 June.

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