How do you do it? .. 3 ways to count the number of words in a Word file

A Word file contains the list of words in the document as well as the number of pages and characters, as well as paragraphs, so whatever you write, be it an article, book, book or news article, knowing your words is vital, here’s how to use each of them, according to the website “business insider”.
The page appears on the current page, you can see the number of words in the current page, the existing page appears, and the page appears next to the existing page, left click. Turn on and make sure the screen is on.
Click this number to open the Most Word Count menu, after you see it also lists the number of characters, paragraphs, and lines the document contains.
The other way to get to this menu is to tap Review at the top of the Word menu, then tap Word Count, it comes to the far left of the Review tab.
You can also add a word count option to the Quick Sell Toolbar, which is a small list of post in the general top corner of your screen, to do that, open the Review tab again and click on Word Count, then select Add to Tags Quick Access Toolbar”.
An icon that looks like a series of lines with “123” below it will appear in the quick start bar, tap to open the “Word Count” popup right away.
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